IT Support Melbourne Website Design and Digital Marketing Agency: Facebook, Google Ads Manager, PPC and SEO

When you advertise with any of the Social media marketing platform like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or search engines like Google or LinkedIn search engine marketing, these are some of the common terms and ideologies.

Whether you are thinking of video marketing, carousel or anything for your digital marketing strategy, these terms are standard across all marketing platforms.

1) Ad Impressions:

Impressions are the number of times your ads have been displayed to your target audience. After launching a campaign with Google Ads manager and selecting your target audience, Google starts showing your ads to your audiences. These are known as impressions. Impressions are an important metric because they display the reach of your marketing campaign on a platform. Impression of 200 means that your ads have a reach of 200 audiences.

In other words, an impression is counted each time your ad is served on Google's ad network such as YouTube other published websites and apps impressions help you understand how often your ad is being seen so an impression is how many times your ad has been shown.

2) Click-through rate:

Click-through or CTR is the number of audiences that saw your ad and clicked on the advertising. CTR is an important metric for marketing departments because it helps understand the success of your initial marketing efforts. A digital marketing agency spends the maximum amount of time and money for generating the maximum amount of traffic to your site or app.

CTR is the percentage of people that actually clicked on your ad after viewing it. CTR is not a measure of ad impressions. CTR can be used to measure anything on a webpage. How many people saw your ad, or your website or  your YouTube video in search results on then clicked on it. 

A good CTR rate is around 5% of impressions.

3) Landing page:

Landing page, part of website design is the page where the target audience land once they click your marketing ad or campaign. Each marketing campaign should lead to a specific page, also called landing page. Each landing page should be designed specific to a particular campaign because one landing page may only be able to generate leads for one kind of campaign. 

The best landing pages are a combination of:

  • Excellent User Experience
  • Fast Loading
  • Matches the description of the title / description of the link
  • Provides value for the user

Website designer should ensure that the when an audience clicks on the ad and lands on the page, the page experience is ideal. The page content should be easy to read, understand written in simple language.

The page matches the advertisement or offer in the marketing or ads. If the landing page is a click bait and does not offer the audience what was promised, the user will bounce.

Lastly don't forget to provide value for the customer's time and effort. When people signup for a service or enter their email address, it is usually in return for something of value, like an eBook, a PDF download, a case study. These are excellent ways to provide value for customers time and educating them about your business, products and services.

4) Conversions:

Conversions measure the return from your marketing efforts. Conversions are the leads from clients, calls from customers, newsletter signup or the different action performed by your audience. It is  a measure of success of marketing campaign or efforts of the digital marketing agency.

Conversion is also a measure of return on investment (ROI) from marketing. If you spend $1 on your marketing and your sales rise to $2. This means the return on investment was 100%.

How can you improve your audience targeting, audience retention rate  with your digital marketing strategy.

A good digital marketing strategy or marketing campaign understands all the metrics mentioned above. Start by choosing an ideal audience. When starting campaigns on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube, think of your ideal audience. 

Who is interested in buying your product or in other words, who will benefit most from your services. This is one of the main differences between a successful marketing campaigns or the rest. 

Build different ads, content, videos or marketing material and experiment and measure the success of each campaign. When you run different campaigns with different marketing goals, it allows you to experiment with what works and what does not work.

Finally provide the best website design and experience for the clients when they land on your website so that they can be your future clients. A potential visitor or website audience who had a good experience on your website will leave you their email address or call your number.

Cold leads can be turned warm leads or customers down the line using other channels of marketing like email marketing, content marketing, video marketing. 

Re marketing and re targeting are essential marketing strategies because they turn cold audience in to warm leads or customers. A website visitor came to your site but was not entirely impressed with your service. With content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing digital marketing managers can turn cold leads in to regular clients and customers.
